This blog post serves as a report of Yiming’s 2020 Google Summer of Code student project.


TF Model Garden: Jaeyoun Kim (jaeyounkim@)

Object Detection team: Vivek Rathod (rathodv@), Shan Yang (shanyang@)

Faster/Mask R-CNN FPN in Object Detection API


The original Faster/Mask R-CNN for object detection only uses the top layer feature map of the backbone. This feature map contains high semantic information but not much position information which makes the network having difficulties detecting small objects.

Thus we want to use feature maps that contain both high semantic information and position information. Thus we introduce feature pyramid network to our original Faster/Mask R-CNN architecture. Feature pyramid network uses feature maps from different layers of the backbone classifier and combined with upsampled top-down feature maps. It’s a combination of layer with high semantics and layer with accurate position. Thus, it achieves high accuracy while having a reasonable running time.

The goal for this project is adding a Resnet FPN feature extractor for Faster/Mask RCNN. The work I have done including:

  • Add Resnet V1 FPN feature extractor.
    • Add Resnet V1 FPN feature extractor that inherits the FasterRCNNKerasFeatureExtractor and returns a keras.layers that gives a inputs and outputs a list of features of different size.
    • Add feature extractor for Resnet50, Resnet101, Resnet152.
    • The class diagram for the Resnet FPN feature extractor is shown below.


  • Add multilevel crop and resize function.
    • Convert matmul_crop_and_resize, native_crop_and_resize function into multilevel crop and resize function.
  • Modify faster RCNN meta architecture to accept multilevel features.
    • Originally faster RCNN meta architecture only accepts single feature from feature extractor. After modification, it now accepts a list of features from feature extractor.
  • Modify proto files such that feature extractor can accept more args.
    • Feature pyramid network requires extra argument such as fpn_min_level, fpn_max_level, pad_to_multiple, and so on.
  • Training and testing model using TPU(s) on COCO17 dataset. Due to limitation of TPU-32 usage, only models using input size 640x640 and with Resnet50 can be trained within a reasonable time.


With Resnet50 as backbone, before adding FPN to the Faster RCNN , the model reaches mAP 29.3 on COCO17 dataset. After adding FPN to the Faster RCNN with Resnet50 as backbone, the model reached mAP 31.6.

Tables below shows the Average Precision, Average Recall, and Loss on COCO17 dataset with an input image size of 640x640.

Table 1: Average Precision on COCO17 dataset

IoU area maxDets Average Precision
0.50:0.95 all 100 0.316
0.50 all 100 0.551
0.75 all 100 0.335
0.50:0.95 small 100 0.107
0.50:0.95 medium 100 0.274
0.50:0.95 large 100 0.457

Table 2: Average Recall on COCO17 dataset

IoU area maxDets Average Recall
0.50:0.95 all 1 0.285
0.50:0.95 all 10 0.458
0.50:0.95 all 100 0.497
0.50:0.95 small 100 0.269
0.50:0.95 medium 100 0.477
0.50:0.95 large 100 0.641

Table 3: Loss on COCO17 dataset

Type Loss
Loss/RPNLoss/localization_loss 0.080119
Loss/RPNLoss/objectness_loss 0.021327
Loss/BoxClassifierLoss/localization_loss 0.272600
Loss/BoxClassifierLoss/Classification_loss 0.3121138
Loss/regularization_loss 0.271487
Loss/total_loss 0.954237

To reproduce this result, please follow the following instruction. (We need TPU access to train the model. Make sure you have access):

  1. Follow the instruction. Install TensorFlow and Object Detection API.

  2. Use config file: model/research/object_detection/configs/tf2/faster_rcnn_resnet50_v1_fpn_640x640_coco17_tpu-8.config

  3. Train:
    python3 object_detection/ \
     --pipeline_config_path=${PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH} \
     --model_dir=${MODEL_DIR} \
     --use_tpu=${USE_TPU} \
     --tpu_name=${TPU_NAME} \
  4. Eval:
    python3 object_detection/ \
     --pipeline_config_path=${PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH} \
     --model_dir=${MODEL_DIR} \
     --checkpoint_dir=${MODEL_DIR}  \

Pull Request

The related pull request for this project is listed in the following table.

Title Link
Add Faster RCNN Resnet V1 FPN Keras feature extractor #8716, #8762
Add multilevel crop and resize functions #8746
Move to keraslayers fasterrcnn fpn keras feature extractor #8893
moving fpn message to fpn.proto #8894
Adjust frcnn meta arch to multilevel rpn feature #8895
add config file for faster rcnn resnet 50 fpn on dataset coco17 using tpu-8 #9055
Add fpn to context rcnn #9078

Community Support for TF2 Object Detection API (GitHub issues)


Collect all issues (bugs, new features, docs) for Object Detection API since it upgraded to TF2 and help resolve Object Detection API issues.

The issues that I have collected and help is listed in this sheet.

There are three parts in this sheet.

  • Bug: Issues reported by users.
  • Features: Possible future features collected by users. This is helpful reference for OD API about what our users are looking for.
  • Documentation: Suggestion and documentation issues reported by users.

Pull Request

The related pull request for this project is listed in the following table.

Title Link
frozen inference graphs tf 1 documentation update #8984
remove unused import within image_resizer.proto #8954
fix links for research/object_detection/colab_tutorials/object_detection_tutorial.ipynb #8985
fix object_detection_tutorial.ipynb instance segmentation example error #8978

Panoptic Feature Pyramid Networks


Implement CVPR 2019 paper - Panoptic Feature Pyramid Networks. Panoptic segmentation is a combination of both instance segmentation and semantic segmentation. Panoptic FPN started with an FPN backbone which is wildly used to extract multilevel features and concatenate with two parallel branch. One uses Mask-RCNN for instance segmentation and the other uses a dense prediction branch for semantic segmentation.

Current Progress

  • Read paper and Detectron2 implementation for Panoptic Feature Pyramid Networks.
  • Reading code in TensorFlow official computer vision modeling library.
  • Waiting for updates in official library and will start implementing as soon as changes are released. Will continue working on this project in the following months.

My Experience with GSoC

It is really a great experience this summer with GSoC. Many thanks to my mentor Jaeyoun Kim, Vivek Rathod, Shan Yang, and many others who helped me during this three months. This is my first time participating an open source project. I have learned a lot and received many advice from my mentors on the code structure and give my great guidance on how to contribute high-quality code to the community. They are super helpful and help me moving forward. After these three month, I get to know more about this wonderful community and become more familiar with the most popular AI framework around the world.